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A story of light

Meet the owner & the brand


Hi, I'm Melina, the owner of Selah Candles. It is so nice to have you here. Starting this candle business always felt like a dream that was never going to come true. I'm a full time social worker but I always wanted to start a business. In my heart I just knew that the idea behind this business is so close to my heart and I need to share it with the world. So I did it!


The first time I heard the word Selah was in a church in America. I wrote down the word in my notebook, because the meaning of it was so precious. Pause, reflect & praise. So when I had to choose the name of this business, nothing felt more perfect than Selah. Lighting a candle makes me feel peaceful & powerful at the same time. The fact that a single flame can spread so much light and wonderful scent reminds me that each one of us is like a candle flame.


My wish for you is that these candles reminds you to shine your light in all places, to let your unique scent reach everyone and to help someone else light there flame. We sometimes need each other to keep our flames burning. Your light matters in this world, because shining your light makes this world a brighter place.

With love, always


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